Saturday, July 15, 2006

today is 15 july 2006.

today's game of the week had one of my favourite teams as the giants faced the phillies. no the giants are not my favorites--but anyone who mercilessly beats the orange and black men is! the game dragged, and fortunately for giants fans the beating was just a tad short of four hours.

the dodgers lost in extra innings again today (the second time this week in bonus time this week). so now the dodgers and giants are tied for second three games back. the d-backs and rockies tie for last at four games back. that leaves the padres on top.

in the summer heat, i've dabbled with new recipes. cool ones at that . . . my salad dressing of choice is mixing two parts olive oil, one part of balsamic vinegar, spicy mustard, honey, and minced garlic.

then there's the old stanby--the starbucks like frapuccino. two cups ice; three-fourth cups milk and double strength coffee; and about two table spoons of sugar, chocalate syrup and/or caramel. blend together and save handing the barista about $4.

in the computer world, for some strange reason computers inside of wifimelvinism can now share files . . . don't ask what happened--i just know i can move stuff betwen meatloaf and electron (which runs suse) . . . all this without hamachi. hamachi is hip, and i can still share files with my school computer . . . with hamachi, i can even send print jobs while here in the apartment.

in case you ever went to (my school assignment site), yesterday's posting was correct. passed out semester exams and pizza . . . now on to my vacation.

which i guess i might have to add 29 july as the third day of melvinism. busy last year with wedding stuff. not as busy this year. but me and the charisian presence are headed back to san francisco. too bad the giants are out of town. 8-b . . . but when we do go to fisherman's warf, i will look a crab in the eye right before he becomes my lunch.