Tuesday, November 15, 2005

today is tuesday 15 november 2005.

snowed today. so thrilling this takes a line in my blog--hint in life, if going up kipling. don't stop. else, you may never get going. again.

today i might buy a turkey. or maybe tomorrow. i was thinking of getting a cheap turkey with my card, a cheap turkey with charis's card, then going to albertson's and then safeway to get some more turkeys. but with one turkey for thanksgiving, we'll be eating turkey until mlk day. with four, we'll probably have enough turkey until july fourth.

by july fourth the dodgers could be winning--but they'll need pitching, hitting, a new general manager, and a coaching staff . . .

alex rodriguez got the mvp for the american league. this is so exciting this takes a line in my blog.

otherwise, not much going on.