Thursday, October 27, 2005

today is thusday 27 october 2005. yep, i misspelled thursday on purpose for old-time's sake.

yesterday the white sox won the world series. this is so exciting this takes a line in my blog.

actually quoting astro manager phil garner "i'm really ticked off." i couldn't cheer for the white sox because they beat the angels. so it was painful watching the white sox win. i think i'm more ticked that i missed csi new york to watch the white sox win.

i'm getting a new cell phone today. so exciting this takes a line in my blog. actually, it's kinda fun tracking it across the us.

don't complain about gas prices. in hawaii gas hit $3.50.

cappuccino maker was acting up the other day--but last night we had sultan lattes.

the other day i had a few questions on . . . my surprise e-mail was answered within the hour. wild.