Friday, October 10, 2003

today is friday 10 october 2003.

no need to fear--lack of blogging doesn't mean i'm dead. mon, nothing really going on--working on densem paper. tue at densem. wed is youth group stuff. thurs and friday was teacher's conference. pretty good this year--kinda like hob-knobbing with the college president. yep, hanging out with the high ed administrators is my type of thing to do. 8-0

cubbies and sox both tied at one. get your goat!

melvinistic terms:

manicotti--stuff that can be really good or bad . . . depending on presentation. dining common manicotti and olive garden manicotti is bascially the same thing--except one is better than the other. go figure out why.

missing link--the weirdo next to you on your next flight.