Sunday, July 17, 2005

today is sunday 17 july 2005.

less than two weeks to the wedding . . . crazy times . . .

dodgers stink. won one yesterday in the ninth . . . didn't fare so well in today's ninth.

i've been a rockies fan of a sort of late--the rox are pretty pathetic, so i make it my duty to be a fan. they were doing good for about 5 and 1/3 innings today--one hit ball and no score. five minutes later after three homers and six runs, the game is about over.

church met at the kipling campus today. . . crazy times . . .

got dsl working at the apartment . . . real hip--seems like the neighbors have dsl too as i see their wireless networks popping up as an available network. worry not--seems all the encryption stuff is all on.

papa john's has 1 topping large pizza for $5.99 again. so exciting this takes a line in my blog.