Tuesday, November 30, 2004

today is tuesday 30 november 2004.

charisian moment--she tells me of utter chaos in kindergarten. hint in life folks--bringing up santa may cause a riot among the younger folk. supposedly one kindergartener yells "santa is dead." the rest were ready to pounce on her. of course the charisian presence brought calm to the volitile situation.

msnbc needs to have an article--what women should not get guys for Christmas. number one on the list--ties. actually ties are cool. but be careful. be very careful . . .

garrison keilor on the prarie home companion radio show said snow is like marriage. some days it's great. some days you want the whole thing to go away. but this garrison keilor, not that i would know anything about the subject.

armando benitez signs on with the giants to be their closer. maybe next year we'll see lots of dodger highlights of homeruns off benitez.