today is thursday 24 june 2004. and i don't know why i'm blogging so well this week . . . i am still spend much time in the charisian presence if anyone cares!
what i care not see is the dodgers and their current lashing by the giants . . . these dodgers are more inconsistent than the normal--and yes they're streakier than last year. last year, dodger pitching was able to hold down opponents through several series with strong rotations in the starting pitching. now a days, the hitting is better, but the pitching has been inconsistent also. has hadji's insights in his yet to be non-published book . . . i think it's kinda neat--perhaps one day i'll write a book . . .
what is funny about hadji's blog of late is his treatise concerning wireless phone calls . . . it is very true that when nothing is going one there's no calls . . . but when things happen (like for me, during silver state's graduation) calls come in. and yes, i do keep my phone on at all times--so that in case nothing is really going on and yet i want to leave, i can pretend my phone is going off to politely leave.
what i care not see is the dodgers and their current lashing by the giants . . . these dodgers are more inconsistent than the normal--and yes they're streakier than last year. last year, dodger pitching was able to hold down opponents through several series with strong rotations in the starting pitching. now a days, the hitting is better, but the pitching has been inconsistent also. has hadji's insights in his yet to be non-published book . . . i think it's kinda neat--perhaps one day i'll write a book . . .
what is funny about hadji's blog of late is his treatise concerning wireless phone calls . . . it is very true that when nothing is going one there's no calls . . . but when things happen (like for me, during silver state's graduation) calls come in. and yes, i do keep my phone on at all times--so that in case nothing is really going on and yet i want to leave, i can pretend my phone is going off to politely leave.
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