Friday, August 22, 2003

today is friday 22 august 2003.

i'll actually blog today: topic of blog--the atlanta braves. one of three teams i absolutely hate comes to denver!

why do i hate the braves 1) atlanta fans only the players that show up on milk cartons. 2) traitors like don sutton who do play-by-play. 3) skip carey. 4) jones. 5) the other jones. 6) javier lopez. 7) vinny castilla. 8) greg maddux. 9) john smoltz. 10) raphael furcal. 11) gary sheffield12) i hate the braves and i've already named half the team--let's seen if anyone from atlanta can do that!

topic came up this morning--how do you handle trades with the braves. let's blog about some. sheffield is a good example. he was a dodger, and then he became a brave. so we already hate him--not only because that he was a former dodger, and not only because he is a current brave, but simply because he's a punk.

now what happens to former braves who go elsewhere. let's talk about one, say tom glavine who used to be a former brave and is now current new york met. there is some hope, but because he is a met that hope is lost.

let's go back to the sheffield trade--the dodgers got brian jordan and odalis perez. bj hasn't played for half a season. he's o.k. as long as he's on the dodger roster--but once he goes to free agency, we hate him because he's a former brave, and worse a former dodger, but maybe not a punk like sheffield.

don't get me wrong, sheffield's a punk, but not an idiot like raul mondesi--who opens his mouth and gets himself in trouble. i don't get--the yanks are headed to the post-season and mondesi lips off to joe torre. mondesi should have been sent to detroit.

dodgers also got od perez for sheffield. now let's just say od is a dodger in good standing right now. od is fully redeemed because he is contributing to the dodgers--he shoots his mouth off a little bit, but not as bad as mondesi.

what is worse than being a former dodger or a current brave? i thought of one this afternoon--a former dodger who is now a current san fran giant is much worse! if they excel as giants, then it is just painful. i'm not going to mention names but m _ r q _ S g r _ s s _ m comes to mind--much pain because he hits in front of bonds.

dodgers host the mets tonight. i'll be at coors hoping to see maddux get creamed.